Bryan Skaar on the Outdoor Channel in the Video Above. Outdoor Videography by John Yost

I am very fortunate that I get to shoot the outdoor videography and film hunts for one of the best hunters in the United States, Bryan Skaar. All the pictures you see on this page are of Bryan and the game he’s harvested.
Bryan and I working together has led to our hunts being aired on the Outdoor Channel. They’re on “The Hunt with Greg and Jake.”

The coolest part is that I do the outdoor videography for a show on the Outdoor Channel!!! Seriously, never in a million years would I have thought I’d have opportunities like this.
Follow your heart, my friend. And bust your ass to be the number one expert in whatever your passion is. That has worked for me anyway. I’m really good at a lot of things because I just don’t quit. I think I got that attitude from high school sports (wrestling). You win no matter what. There’s gotta be a winner… Why not YOU?
And don’t believe anyone who tells you that you can’t do something. When they say that, all they mean is that THEY can’t do it. But YOU still can. Make it happen.

Hire John to do your outdoor videography
And yes, I can film your hunts and do your outdoor videography if it fits around the hunts Bryan and I do together. If you want me to film your hunts, let me know. I’m cheap as hell right now because I’m still trying to build a portfolio. But in a year or two I’ll be doing this for big bucks. I’m going to ask you to pick up my expenses, and maybe $150/day. It’s not free, but nothing like you’d get socked with from anyone else. Plus, we will have a great time!
I’ll film you and put together a finished video for you. And there’s a small chance, but still a chance, that we can get your hunt on TV. Contact me here if you’re interested.